Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Post Patrick Post

I was so grumpy about going on my date with Patrick. On the way there the mind chatter was just soooo negative... I can't believe I'm doing this... what a waste of time... I'll NEVER like him... he's a probably a dork... Spending an afternoon with a stranger when I could be taking a nap...

You get the picture - but I got there and he was much better looking than his photos and not a dork at all... We talked for a solid 2 hours until I ended our date to go to my yoga class, which is good since I guess guys like it when you're not too into them. Although the lingering gazes were kind of a dead give away.

He seems to have a bright future in screenwriting, working on two scripts of his own, and one for a big name film. He has a Master's degree in film from USC and seems really passionate about his work, with several short films and one feature under his belt already. And bonus: he practices yoga and has dabbled in shamanism south of the border. All very good and deserving of high marks in the book of Mo. He’s also pretty sharp with his wit. I was telling him about my “relationship” with a horse named Jake.

“We came to an understanding,” I said. “He didn’t buck and I didn’t beat him.”

To which he quipped, “And is that pretty standard for all of your relationships?”

I think I blushed just a little for what seemed to be such a blatant sexual innuendo. Then again, maybe it’s just me.

I'm just really excited that I liked him and didn't walk away feeling all bitter and angry. We left it at "it's been a pleasure" and his suggesting dinner and drinks next time.

There is still nothing to report on the home front. It's just very peaceful here. Maybe life is taking a turn for the better in all directions.


  1. Good for you , i hope it works out and he doesn't turn out to be a sociopath , screenwriters can be very odd creatures......

  2. Watch this space for sociopath action!
