Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Don’t Bullshit a Bullshitter

I suppose I should have seen this coming. Grant is a Scorpio too - his birthday only one day after mine. We can be a temperamental and stubborn bunch, and sarcasm just comes naturally. I don’t really think our head butting will escalate to the levels that it did with Slum, but he is definitely a child trapped in a big 36 year old’s body.

I sent him an email explaining that I didn’t want him using my outlet because I have way too much stuff plugged into it already. I’m still perplexed by his claim that he can’t get a wireless connection from his room, since it’s just below the cat room. I think it’s all BS. I suggested that we remedy the problem by moving the router to his room. He responded in a way that would indicate he is not all that interested in fixing the problem.

I don’t know that I have a cable hook up in my room, and I’m not sure how soon I’m going to get it. it’s not a big deal. I realize you don’t seem too comfortable with the set up, so if I want to get on the internet I’ll try to go to a coffee shop or something.

Cry me a river….

Grant –
There is a cable. I lived in that room for 6 months. So we can move the router - since Ty and I have no prob getting a connection from anywhere in the house, or see if Fran's router works better for you. Just let me know what you prefer- No need to go to a coffee shop, unless you want to.

To this he only said, “whatever you want to do is fine.”

Then I saw him a few hours later in the kitchen. There was some plumbing work going on, so there was quite a lot of banging and noise. To my knowledge he had no idea what was going on so I casually said, "Just a little repair work going on."

"Obviously," he responded dryly.

I had no control over my eyebrows shooting straight up in disbelief.

I’m not sure if I’m just feeling extra cranky this week, but I’m really bored of the whole man-boy routine. There really seems to be an over abundance of them roaming the globe. Why, oh why, did we let one move into our house?

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