Friday, February 20, 2009

Wedding Bells

It seems that there is going to be a wedding. Things are back on track with Rubi's romance. Raj called her on her birthday and she is ever so much in love.

"I'm think I have to go to India soon..." she said in a breathy voice with a grin from ear to ear.

The glimmer of hope on my face must have been apparent. I would pay her ass to go to India.

"You know," she added, "My astrologer says I'm supposed to get married this July."

"Really?" I said, feigning interest.

"Yes, and he has been right about everything else. I know Raj is the one. I just feel it!!"

She was as giddy as a 40 year old woman pretending to be as giddy as a school girl. It's so incredibly contrived and phony that it's tough to hold back the puke.

As if listening to her "make believe" love life wasn't enough, she decided to start in on mine.

"We have to find your man. Not A man, but THE man!"

"Um, no we don't."

This was not the first time she had broached the subject and I was starting to get a little fed up with it.

"YOU are projecting YOUR needs and inadequacies on to me. I don't NEED a man. I am quite content on my own. I am sorry if that makes you feel uncomfortable."

I kind of barked it at it her and the smile slowly melted off her face.

"Well we could at least go to a party and see what happens..." she said almost coyly.


With a smirk she softly said, "Sometimes it is what we resist that we need most."

I think this "getting a man" business is all bullshit. She just wants to hang out with me. I hope that Raj is out there somewhere planning his proposal.

1 comment:

  1. This blog is a good defence if you decide to stangle her. Any Jury would acquit you and you would no doubt be congratulated for a job well done.
    Seriously ,Sorry about the cat , my mother had 2 cats which i inherited after she moved house , we had to have them both put down due to kidney failure ,it seems to be very common in cats
