Sunday, February 8, 2009

Lesson #1 - Car or Spaceship?

Something has changed, but I’m not sure what. Last night I returned home from seeing the movie “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” to find Rubi seated at the Breakfast table working on a painting. While I knew I was not supposed to talk to her, my inner sense of common courtesy chirped out “Hi!” Perhaps this was due to all the thought provoking material in Benji Button. Imagine my surprise when she said “Hello,” sans the usual snarl. My curiosity got the best of me and I decided to proceed with caution.

“I just saw Benjamin Button…”

“OH! How did you like it?”

“I loved it!”

“Yes, it is very profound,” she said in a manner that implied she wanted to continue talking.

I was intrigued by this sudden change of mood, so I carefully stepped in a little deeper. After all, it was only in the morning that she wouldn’t even acknowledge my presence while eating at the same table. What had changed? Your guess is as good as mine, but before I knew it we were discussing the book “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron and I was getting unsolicited advice on how to create the life I want. Because, of course, she is assuming I don’t already have the life I want. True, there is always room for improvement but I received a long winded lecture on how to improve my life. These were not presented as suggestions, mind you, but tried and true insights received directly from the infinite source. There was so much information thrown at me at one time, I walked away with my head spinning. To avoid creating the same vortex here, I will feed these concepts in piecemeal.

Lesson #1

In a nutshell she said to me “Imagine that you are a car that can only go 40 miles per hour, but you want to be a spaceship that goes 1000 miles per hour, so you push your car to 150 miles per hour until it breaks down. Then you abandon the broken down car to find that the spaceship was contained within the car all along. It is not necessary to pick up another book or take another class because you already KNOW everything you need to know to create what you want.”
“What I am telling you,” she said, “you already know, because I am a reflection of you. YOU have created ME to remind yourself of the things you already know.”
I can only surmise that there is something very alien going on here.

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